American Legion Auxiliary Unit 593
Minutes for September 3, 2009
Regular Meeting
The meeting of Prunedale Unit 593 was called to order by Unit 593 President Koni Dearman at 7:15 pm September 3, 2009 in the Lower Hall. Opening rituals were performed. All officers were present except Historian, Marshal, & Jr. Past President. We had a quorum. The minutes from the August 2009 meeting were read and placed on filed. The financial report was placed on file.
President- Requested that we order POWMIA Italian Charms. A Motion was made by Liz to order 5 charms . Motion seconded by Diana. Motion Carried
1st Vice: Diana presented 1 new member applications to the Unit.
· Judy Souza
Motion by Diana, 2nd by Jennie to accept for membership. Motion Carried
2nd Vice- Motion by Marilyn to order 1000 poppies. Seconded by Liz. Motion Carried
Secretary- Lizreported that the party went well. We made $470 by selling dinners and $100 in the 50/50 raffle for the night. All fruits and vegetables were donated by the Halsteads and another local farmer, that Diana works for. We need to send Thank You notes, to both parties for their donations.
I found money from pins in my mom’s stuff, which I am passing to Jennie. I also found a membership application from 2006. It was decided that we would deposit the cash for now, and try to contact the person to see if they still wanted to join. I also came across the letter from the Girls Scouts asking for a donation. We had already voted on it, so it was agreed that Jenny will write and send the check.
Unit Mailing- We decided on our unit name being the Hula Girls. There was a motion do donate $150 to the Department President’s Special Project Operation Mend Caregiving Fund. Seconded by Marilyn. Motion Carried
The Department website has been updated and we should be able to find a lot more information there.
Chaplain- Renee Yaqub and Liz Woodard are both not doing well. Cards will be passed around to be signed and sent to them.
New/Unfinished Business:
The riders are having a Car Rally on October 17th. The Post, Auxiliary, and SAL will have a membership booth.
Noni purchased a plaque for Stefanie as a gift for our outgoing President. She would like to be reimbursed the $100. Motion by Karen to reimburse her for the $100. Seconded by Jennie, Motion Carried.
Storage unit is up for payment again. Karen made a motion that we pay for 6 months of storage for $240, then it won’t be due again until May. Seconded by Ruth. Motion Carried.
SAL may be buying a new refrigerator since the current one doesn’t work. The will be sharing it with us as a gift for our 50th anniversary.
District Meeting and Leadership Training will be held on September 20th at Post 31 in Salinas.
The West Coast Rally is September 11-13. Auxiliary will have a hot dog stand on September 12th.
POWMIA day is September 19th. Auxiliary should see the ceremony.
September 24th we will be making sandwiches and browns for the fishing derby.
Halloween Kid’s Party will be October 24th from 1-3 pm.
Auxiliary will also be in the kitchen on September 25th and 27th. Diana will be running the kitchen. Friday will be steak with mushrooms and onions. Sunday is to order/
Next meeting will be in the Lower Hall on Thursday, September 3trd at 7:00 p.m.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m.
Minutes for September 3, 2009
Regular Meeting
The meeting of Prunedale Unit 593 was called to order by Unit 593 President Koni Dearman at 7:15 pm September 3, 2009 in the Lower Hall. Opening rituals were performed. All officers were present except Historian, Marshal, & Jr. Past President. We had a quorum. The minutes from the August 2009 meeting were read and placed on filed. The financial report was placed on file.
President- Requested that we order POWMIA Italian Charms. A Motion was made by Liz to order 5 charms . Motion seconded by Diana. Motion Carried
1st Vice: Diana presented 1 new member applications to the Unit.
· Judy Souza
Motion by Diana, 2nd by Jennie to accept for membership. Motion Carried
2nd Vice- Motion by Marilyn to order 1000 poppies. Seconded by Liz. Motion Carried
Secretary- Lizreported that the party went well. We made $470 by selling dinners and $100 in the 50/50 raffle for the night. All fruits and vegetables were donated by the Halsteads and another local farmer, that Diana works for. We need to send Thank You notes, to both parties for their donations.
I found money from pins in my mom’s stuff, which I am passing to Jennie. I also found a membership application from 2006. It was decided that we would deposit the cash for now, and try to contact the person to see if they still wanted to join. I also came across the letter from the Girls Scouts asking for a donation. We had already voted on it, so it was agreed that Jenny will write and send the check.
Unit Mailing- We decided on our unit name being the Hula Girls. There was a motion do donate $150 to the Department President’s Special Project Operation Mend Caregiving Fund. Seconded by Marilyn. Motion Carried
The Department website has been updated and we should be able to find a lot more information there.
Chaplain- Renee Yaqub and Liz Woodard are both not doing well. Cards will be passed around to be signed and sent to them.
New/Unfinished Business:
The riders are having a Car Rally on October 17th. The Post, Auxiliary, and SAL will have a membership booth.
Noni purchased a plaque for Stefanie as a gift for our outgoing President. She would like to be reimbursed the $100. Motion by Karen to reimburse her for the $100. Seconded by Jennie, Motion Carried.
Storage unit is up for payment again. Karen made a motion that we pay for 6 months of storage for $240, then it won’t be due again until May. Seconded by Ruth. Motion Carried.
SAL may be buying a new refrigerator since the current one doesn’t work. The will be sharing it with us as a gift for our 50th anniversary.
District Meeting and Leadership Training will be held on September 20th at Post 31 in Salinas.
The West Coast Rally is September 11-13. Auxiliary will have a hot dog stand on September 12th.
POWMIA day is September 19th. Auxiliary should see the ceremony.
September 24th we will be making sandwiches and browns for the fishing derby.
Halloween Kid’s Party will be October 24th from 1-3 pm.
Auxiliary will also be in the kitchen on September 25th and 27th. Diana will be running the kitchen. Friday will be steak with mushrooms and onions. Sunday is to order/
Next meeting will be in the Lower Hall on Thursday, September 3trd at 7:00 p.m.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m.