Conduct of Business
The success of the Unit depends to a large degree upon the efficient and businesslike administration of all of its activities. Each Unit officer and committee chairman shares in this responsibility.
Each should familiarize herself with the duties of her office and fulfill such obligation to the best of her ability.
Each should familiarize herself with the duties of her office and fulfill such obligation to the best of her ability.
Duties of the President
The Unit President must be an able and qualified leader, for she represents the Auxiliary in her community, and its success or faliure depends largely upon her. She should act in a supervisory capacity, be familiar with the duties of all officers and committee chairmen and encourage and inspire them in their work. It is the responsibility of the President to see that all officers are supplied with all available information and material from Departemtn and National Headquarters for efficient promotion of their various activities.
The Unit President has many duties. She should preside at all meetings of the Unit and the Unit Executive Committee; require strict adherence to the Constitution, Bylaws and rules and regulations established by the National and Department Convention, National and Department Executive Committees and the Unit itself; appoint members of standing committees and create such other committees as are necessary; appoint all non-elected officers, and perform all duties which are assigned to her office.
The Unit President has many duties. She should preside at all meetings of the Unit and the Unit Executive Committee; require strict adherence to the Constitution, Bylaws and rules and regulations established by the National and Department Convention, National and Department Executive Committees and the Unit itself; appoint members of standing committees and create such other committees as are necessary; appoint all non-elected officers, and perform all duties which are assigned to her office.
The President as Presiding Officer
- Calls the meeting to order at the designated time and if a quorum is present, proceeds with necessary business.
- Preserves order throughtout the meeting.
- Follows the accepted order of business,
- Refers to herself as "the Chair."
- Decides parliamentary questions. The President states the motion clearly after it has been seconded and before allowing discussion.
- Takes no part in any discussion while presiding; refrains from expressing a personal opinion on questions before the house; avoids all personal bias when giving information to the organization.
- Calls upon the Vice President to preside if she wishes to speak on a motion or leave the chair. Remains out of chair until the vote on the pending motion is taken.
- May vote according to local Bylaws.
- Recognizes a member who has not spoken previously on the question in preference to one who has spoken.