American Legion Auxiliary Unit 593
Minutes for May 7, 2009
Regular Meeting
The meeting of Prunedale Unit 593 was called to order by Unit 593 President Stefanie Baughman at 7:10 pm May 7, 2009 in the Lower Hall. Opening rituals were performed. All officers were present except Secretary, Treasurer, and Marshall. Chairs were filled by Liz Doidge and Diana Long. We had a quorum. The minutes from the April 2009 meeting were approved as read. The financial report was placed on file.
President: Stefanie purchased T-Shirts, Handbooks, Poppy Cans and Poppy Seals. The T-Shirts are going to be on sale for $20 and the handbooks will be on sale for $15.
Stefanie also talked to someone at the post office. They told her that it would be unlikely that we would be able to get the same PO Box again. Koni asked why we couldn’t just get the mail at the officers house so that we could just cut out the middle man. There was a motion to discontinue the PO Box and have the mail go to the Officer or Chairman.
1st Vice: Koni presented 4 new member applications to the Unit.
· Lydia Maldonado
· Emily Casaca, a Junior Member
· Cheryl Goad
· Kim Best-Chavez
Motion by Koni, 2nd by Diana to accept all four for membership. Motion Carried
Legislative: Koni asked members to send e-mails and letters to congress persons for issues regarding seniors and vets. These two groups are not receiving the treatment they deserve and wit our letters, we should be able to improve it.
VA&R: Marilyn is collecting cell phones and trading them in for money. She wants to collect them from Auxiliary and post members as a fundraiser for the Unit. Marilyn and Diana are going to put together a collection box for cell phones to put in the post.
2nd Vice: Poppies are here. Attendees can collect them after the meeting. The dates we can pass them out is between May 18th and May 22nd.
Delegates were selected: Ruth Aspezi, Liz Woodard, Gail Cortopassi
Alternates: Liz Doidge, Stefanie Baughman, Diana Long
We moved onto 2nd Nominations and Elections:
Nominations for President- Stefanie Baughman and Koni Dearman
Stefanie Baughman declined. Koni Dearman was elected as President.
Nominations for 1st Vice- Marilyn Yaqub, Diana Long-Davis and Renee Yaqub.
Renee Yaqub and Marilyn Yaqub declined. Diana Long-Davis was elected as First Vice
Nominations for 2nd Vice- Renee Yaqub, Marilyn Yaqub, Ruth, Judy Dearana.
Judy Dearana and Ruth Aspezi declined. A Vote by ballot was conducted and Marilyn Yaqub received majority vote. Marilyn was elected as 2nd Vice President
Nominations for Secretary- Judy, Gretchen Norton, Marilyn Yaqub, Liz Doidge.
Marilyn Yaqub and Grechen Norton declined. A vote by ballot was conducted and Liz Doidge received the majority vote. Liz Doidge was elected as Secretary.
Nominations for Treasurer- Marilyn Yaqub, Jenny Blakeman, Judy, Liz Doidge
Liz Doidge, Judy, and Marilyn Yaqub declined. Liz Woodard was nominated. A vote by ballot was conducted and Jennie Blakeman and Liz Woodard. Jennie Blakeman was elected as Treasurer.
Nominations for Executive Board- Noni Baughman, Ruth Aspezi, Liz Woodward, Marilyn Yaqub, Diana Long-Davis
Marilyn Yaqub and Diana Long are already officers and therefore were eliminated. Noni Baughman, Ruth Aspezi, and Liz Woodard were elected as Executive Board Members
New/Unfinished Business:
The Fishing Derby turned out well. Liz Doidge, Diana Long, Michelle Baughman, Alex, and Renee prepared the brownies and sandwiches and had them delivered to Monterey on Thursday.
Diana Long-Davis has copies of the phone and e-mail list that was started at the last meeting. She asked anyone that wasn’t on the list to add their names and info.
Jennie Blakeman discussed the Rider’s Poker run coming up on May 22nd. The riders would like the Auxiliary to prepare a meal for the Riders when they return to the post at the end of the day. Motion on the floor to cook for the poker run. Seconded by Noni Baughman. Motion Carried.
Auxiliary will also be in the kitchen on May 29th and May 31st.
Next meeting will be in the Lower Hall on Thursday, June 4th at 7:00 p.m.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.
Minutes for May 7, 2009
Regular Meeting
The meeting of Prunedale Unit 593 was called to order by Unit 593 President Stefanie Baughman at 7:10 pm May 7, 2009 in the Lower Hall. Opening rituals were performed. All officers were present except Secretary, Treasurer, and Marshall. Chairs were filled by Liz Doidge and Diana Long. We had a quorum. The minutes from the April 2009 meeting were approved as read. The financial report was placed on file.
President: Stefanie purchased T-Shirts, Handbooks, Poppy Cans and Poppy Seals. The T-Shirts are going to be on sale for $20 and the handbooks will be on sale for $15.
Stefanie also talked to someone at the post office. They told her that it would be unlikely that we would be able to get the same PO Box again. Koni asked why we couldn’t just get the mail at the officers house so that we could just cut out the middle man. There was a motion to discontinue the PO Box and have the mail go to the Officer or Chairman.
1st Vice: Koni presented 4 new member applications to the Unit.
· Lydia Maldonado
· Emily Casaca, a Junior Member
· Cheryl Goad
· Kim Best-Chavez
Motion by Koni, 2nd by Diana to accept all four for membership. Motion Carried
Legislative: Koni asked members to send e-mails and letters to congress persons for issues regarding seniors and vets. These two groups are not receiving the treatment they deserve and wit our letters, we should be able to improve it.
VA&R: Marilyn is collecting cell phones and trading them in for money. She wants to collect them from Auxiliary and post members as a fundraiser for the Unit. Marilyn and Diana are going to put together a collection box for cell phones to put in the post.
2nd Vice: Poppies are here. Attendees can collect them after the meeting. The dates we can pass them out is between May 18th and May 22nd.
Delegates were selected: Ruth Aspezi, Liz Woodard, Gail Cortopassi
Alternates: Liz Doidge, Stefanie Baughman, Diana Long
We moved onto 2nd Nominations and Elections:
Nominations for President- Stefanie Baughman and Koni Dearman
Stefanie Baughman declined. Koni Dearman was elected as President.
Nominations for 1st Vice- Marilyn Yaqub, Diana Long-Davis and Renee Yaqub.
Renee Yaqub and Marilyn Yaqub declined. Diana Long-Davis was elected as First Vice
Nominations for 2nd Vice- Renee Yaqub, Marilyn Yaqub, Ruth, Judy Dearana.
Judy Dearana and Ruth Aspezi declined. A Vote by ballot was conducted and Marilyn Yaqub received majority vote. Marilyn was elected as 2nd Vice President
Nominations for Secretary- Judy, Gretchen Norton, Marilyn Yaqub, Liz Doidge.
Marilyn Yaqub and Grechen Norton declined. A vote by ballot was conducted and Liz Doidge received the majority vote. Liz Doidge was elected as Secretary.
Nominations for Treasurer- Marilyn Yaqub, Jenny Blakeman, Judy, Liz Doidge
Liz Doidge, Judy, and Marilyn Yaqub declined. Liz Woodard was nominated. A vote by ballot was conducted and Jennie Blakeman and Liz Woodard. Jennie Blakeman was elected as Treasurer.
Nominations for Executive Board- Noni Baughman, Ruth Aspezi, Liz Woodward, Marilyn Yaqub, Diana Long-Davis
Marilyn Yaqub and Diana Long are already officers and therefore were eliminated. Noni Baughman, Ruth Aspezi, and Liz Woodard were elected as Executive Board Members
New/Unfinished Business:
The Fishing Derby turned out well. Liz Doidge, Diana Long, Michelle Baughman, Alex, and Renee prepared the brownies and sandwiches and had them delivered to Monterey on Thursday.
Diana Long-Davis has copies of the phone and e-mail list that was started at the last meeting. She asked anyone that wasn’t on the list to add their names and info.
Jennie Blakeman discussed the Rider’s Poker run coming up on May 22nd. The riders would like the Auxiliary to prepare a meal for the Riders when they return to the post at the end of the day. Motion on the floor to cook for the poker run. Seconded by Noni Baughman. Motion Carried.
Auxiliary will also be in the kitchen on May 29th and May 31st.
Next meeting will be in the Lower Hall on Thursday, June 4th at 7:00 p.m.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.