American Legion Auxiliary Unit 593
Minutes for June 4, 2009
Regular Meeting
The meeting of Prunedale Unit 593 was called to order by Unit 593 President Stefanie Baughman at 7:10 pm June 4, 2009 in the Lower Hall. Opening rituals were performed. All officers were present except Second Vice, Secretary, Treasurer, Parliamentarian, Sergeant at Arms, and Marshall. Chairs were filled by Marilyn Yaqub, Liz Doidge, and Diana Long. We had a quorum. The minutes from the May 2009 meeting were read, corrected, and placed on filed. The financial report was placed on file.
1st Vice: Koni presented 4 new member applications to the Unit.
· Dora
· Karen McCann
· Randi Sequeri
· Cindy Fitster
Motion by Koni, 2nd by Jennie to accept all four for membership. Motion Carried
2nd Vice: Poppy week has passed. Marilyn collected the most money and was given a poppy pin as a gift.
New/Unfinished Business:
We are planning on having our Anniversary Party on August 22nd. We will verify that and stick it on the calendar tonight after the meeting. Liz will send an e-mail verifying this date and when our first planning meeting will be later this evening.
Riders are getting a storage shed across the street and would like to split the room and cost with us. Motion made to split the rent on a storage container for 6 months. Motion seconded and carried.
Legion backed out on the ceremony at Hanby Cemetery. Liz Doidge and Diana Long decided to take over. We are planning on doing it from here on out, since the Hamby family is frustrated with the legionnaires and their lack of organization for this event.
Installation will be held on Sunday June 7th at 11 am.
Auxiliary will also be in the kitchen on June 26th making Chili Verde and May 31st making food to order.
Next meeting will be in the Lower Hall on Thursday, August 8th at 7:00 p.m.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m.
Minutes for June 4, 2009
Regular Meeting
The meeting of Prunedale Unit 593 was called to order by Unit 593 President Stefanie Baughman at 7:10 pm June 4, 2009 in the Lower Hall. Opening rituals were performed. All officers were present except Second Vice, Secretary, Treasurer, Parliamentarian, Sergeant at Arms, and Marshall. Chairs were filled by Marilyn Yaqub, Liz Doidge, and Diana Long. We had a quorum. The minutes from the May 2009 meeting were read, corrected, and placed on filed. The financial report was placed on file.
1st Vice: Koni presented 4 new member applications to the Unit.
· Dora
· Karen McCann
· Randi Sequeri
· Cindy Fitster
Motion by Koni, 2nd by Jennie to accept all four for membership. Motion Carried
2nd Vice: Poppy week has passed. Marilyn collected the most money and was given a poppy pin as a gift.
New/Unfinished Business:
We are planning on having our Anniversary Party on August 22nd. We will verify that and stick it on the calendar tonight after the meeting. Liz will send an e-mail verifying this date and when our first planning meeting will be later this evening.
Riders are getting a storage shed across the street and would like to split the room and cost with us. Motion made to split the rent on a storage container for 6 months. Motion seconded and carried.
Legion backed out on the ceremony at Hanby Cemetery. Liz Doidge and Diana Long decided to take over. We are planning on doing it from here on out, since the Hamby family is frustrated with the legionnaires and their lack of organization for this event.
Installation will be held on Sunday June 7th at 11 am.
Auxiliary will also be in the kitchen on June 26th making Chili Verde and May 31st making food to order.
Next meeting will be in the Lower Hall on Thursday, August 8th at 7:00 p.m.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m.