American Legion Auxiliary Unit 593
Minutes for August 5, 2010
Regular Meeting
The meeting of Prunedale Unit 593 was called to order by President Marilyn Yaqub at 7:10 pm on August 5, 2010 in the Lower Hall. Opening rituals were performed. All officers were present except Second Vice. Noni Baughman sat in as Second Vice. We had a quorum. The minutes from the June 2010 meeting were read and placed on filed. The Treasurer’s report was read and placed on file.
Our meeting started off with a presentation by our North Monterey County Girl Stater, Faith DeAmarelo.
President: Marilyn announced that this year she would like to focus on women vets and women in the community.
1st Vice: Karen reported that she currently had six new member applications: Debbie Barry, Emma Rashe, Ashley Klausen, Karen Thornton, Peggy Osario, & Denise Clay. There was a motion by Karen to accept all six new members. Noni seconded. Motion was carried. Liz reported that we received a check for $10 for gaining over 101% for membership last year.
Children and Youth: The Fourth of July Kids Party was fun even though it was cold. We are seeing more new faces. The kids are all having a blast. Motion by Renee to reimburse Liz $350 for the kids party. Second by Jenny. Motion Carried
New/Unfinished Business:
Jenny mentioned that our unit was on the IRS list for non-exempt organizations that were about to lose their non-exempt status. Jenny re-filed with the IRS and we are good now. She is also sending a letter to the IRS to inform them that our financial year runs from July to June instead of January to December.
Liz received the Department Presidents Pin. We are required to Pay $5 per pin to the department and we can sell them for whatever we would like to our membership.
We also received the Junior Conference Tickets. There was a motion by Liz to purchase the tickets for $20. Second by Noni. Motion Carried.
We received a notice from the Girls Scouts. They are having a dinner and presentation for “Women of Distincttwo spots. ion”.
We also received a letter from a soldier that received one of our pocket flags. He was coming home and gave us his home address.
Jenny ordered more checks and received an envelope for donating cell phones.
Jenny had a cut out from the newspaper about the Yellow Ribbon Organization. Koni made a motion that we donate $100 to the organization. Second by Renee. Motion Carried.
Stefanie’s grandmother is very ill. There was a motion by Noni to purchase flowers for the memorial when she passed away. Second by Koni. Motion Carried. It was also discussed that Noni would purchase the flowers when the need arised and we would reimburse her for them at the next meeting.
The Patriots are having a ride on August 14th. They will be starting and ending at the post so there will be stuff going on all day.
Renee submitted a report about attending Convention. Liz mentioned that in our bylaws there is a rule that states that a person can complete a report and turn it in at the next meeting to receive $200 to help with the costs of convention. There was a motion by Liz to reimburse Renee/Marilyn the $200. Second by Noni. Motion Carried.
There was also a motion by Karen to reimburse Liz for going to convention. Second by Renee. Motion Carried.
Liz asked everyone to read about the chairmanships prior to the next meeting since we needed to have them set up at the next meeting.
Motion by Noni to have Liz order pins and flags. Second by Karen. Motion Carried.
We had a rummage sale at the post. It cost $10 for two spots. All the money made was donated to the Kid’s Christmas Party Fund. Liz is going to buy a thank you card for Larry and Joyce for their donations. There was a motion by Karen to give Larry and Joyce free meals whenever we are cooking for all they have done for the kids parties. Second by Noni. Motion Carried.
We discussed different ideas for fundraisers. We discussed having a bake sale with dinner, car wash, and caramel apples.
September 18th is POWMIA Day. The Legion Riders will have a presentation at the post.
Dinner will be on August 27th and will be Chile Verde, Rice, Beans, & Tortillas.
Breakfast will be August 29th and is going to be omelets.
The next meeting will be held in the Lower Hall on Thursday, September 2nd at 7:00 p.m. Meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
Minutes for August 5, 2010
Regular Meeting
The meeting of Prunedale Unit 593 was called to order by President Marilyn Yaqub at 7:10 pm on August 5, 2010 in the Lower Hall. Opening rituals were performed. All officers were present except Second Vice. Noni Baughman sat in as Second Vice. We had a quorum. The minutes from the June 2010 meeting were read and placed on filed. The Treasurer’s report was read and placed on file.
Our meeting started off with a presentation by our North Monterey County Girl Stater, Faith DeAmarelo.
President: Marilyn announced that this year she would like to focus on women vets and women in the community.
1st Vice: Karen reported that she currently had six new member applications: Debbie Barry, Emma Rashe, Ashley Klausen, Karen Thornton, Peggy Osario, & Denise Clay. There was a motion by Karen to accept all six new members. Noni seconded. Motion was carried. Liz reported that we received a check for $10 for gaining over 101% for membership last year.
Children and Youth: The Fourth of July Kids Party was fun even though it was cold. We are seeing more new faces. The kids are all having a blast. Motion by Renee to reimburse Liz $350 for the kids party. Second by Jenny. Motion Carried
New/Unfinished Business:
Jenny mentioned that our unit was on the IRS list for non-exempt organizations that were about to lose their non-exempt status. Jenny re-filed with the IRS and we are good now. She is also sending a letter to the IRS to inform them that our financial year runs from July to June instead of January to December.
Liz received the Department Presidents Pin. We are required to Pay $5 per pin to the department and we can sell them for whatever we would like to our membership.
We also received the Junior Conference Tickets. There was a motion by Liz to purchase the tickets for $20. Second by Noni. Motion Carried.
We received a notice from the Girls Scouts. They are having a dinner and presentation for “Women of Distincttwo spots. ion”.
We also received a letter from a soldier that received one of our pocket flags. He was coming home and gave us his home address.
Jenny ordered more checks and received an envelope for donating cell phones.
Jenny had a cut out from the newspaper about the Yellow Ribbon Organization. Koni made a motion that we donate $100 to the organization. Second by Renee. Motion Carried.
Stefanie’s grandmother is very ill. There was a motion by Noni to purchase flowers for the memorial when she passed away. Second by Koni. Motion Carried. It was also discussed that Noni would purchase the flowers when the need arised and we would reimburse her for them at the next meeting.
The Patriots are having a ride on August 14th. They will be starting and ending at the post so there will be stuff going on all day.
Renee submitted a report about attending Convention. Liz mentioned that in our bylaws there is a rule that states that a person can complete a report and turn it in at the next meeting to receive $200 to help with the costs of convention. There was a motion by Liz to reimburse Renee/Marilyn the $200. Second by Noni. Motion Carried.
There was also a motion by Karen to reimburse Liz for going to convention. Second by Renee. Motion Carried.
Liz asked everyone to read about the chairmanships prior to the next meeting since we needed to have them set up at the next meeting.
Motion by Noni to have Liz order pins and flags. Second by Karen. Motion Carried.
We had a rummage sale at the post. It cost $10 for two spots. All the money made was donated to the Kid’s Christmas Party Fund. Liz is going to buy a thank you card for Larry and Joyce for their donations. There was a motion by Karen to give Larry and Joyce free meals whenever we are cooking for all they have done for the kids parties. Second by Noni. Motion Carried.
We discussed different ideas for fundraisers. We discussed having a bake sale with dinner, car wash, and caramel apples.
September 18th is POWMIA Day. The Legion Riders will have a presentation at the post.
Dinner will be on August 27th and will be Chile Verde, Rice, Beans, & Tortillas.
Breakfast will be August 29th and is going to be omelets.
The next meeting will be held in the Lower Hall on Thursday, September 2nd at 7:00 p.m. Meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.