American Legion Auxiliary Unit 593
Minutes for August 6, 2009
Regular Meeting
The meeting of Prunedale Unit 593 was called to order by Unit 593 President Koni Dearman at 7:05 pm August 6, 2009 in the Lower Hall. Opening rituals were performed. All officers were present. We had a quorum. The minutes from the June 2009 meeting were read, corrected, and placed on filed. The financial report was placed on file.
President- Koni is trying to work a deal with the post for chips when working in the kitchen. Her goal is to be able to get 10 chips for $10 per day.
1st Vice: Diana presented 4 new member applications to the Unit.
· Rena Wood
· Bobbi Lietz
· Gail Scarpa
· Charlene Day
and a transfer, Jani Philips
Motion by Diana, 2nd by Marilyn to accept all five for membership. Motion Carried
Secretary- Party plans are well underway. Cake was ordered today. Decorations were painted on Saturday. Marilyn will make 5 more centerpieces. Stefanie’s brother will be DJing and providing the linens. He is charging $200 for DJ Services. The Legion wants to donate, so Koni is going to talk to them about making a donation to pay for the DJ. Koni is shopping for all the food. Doug and Jim will be preparing food and the SAL will be serving it. Koni wants to do a 50/50 raffle. We also want to get corsages for some of the Special Members we have- Betty, Rosalee, and Dessie.
New/Unfinished Business:
We are running out of the membership pins. Liz will order more prior to the next meeting.
We went over the chairmanships and a basic of what each one does. We still have Parliamentarian, Americanism, Constitution and Bylaws, Finance/Audit, Music, Public Relations, Resolutions, and VA &R chairman open.
The Riders are having the West Coast Rally from Sept 11th-13th. Auxiliary will be working a hot dog stand on the 12th at the post. Hot dogs with all the fixings and sides will be $5.
POWMIA day is September 19th. Auxiliary should be there to help and participate.
The Rock Cod Fishing Derby is September 26th. We will be preparing sandwiches and brownies at the post on the 24th.
Auxiliary will also be in the kitchen on August 28th having a fish fry and August 30th making food to order.
Next meeting will be in the Lower Hall on Thursday, September 3th at 7:00 p.m.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m.
Minutes for August 6, 2009
Regular Meeting
The meeting of Prunedale Unit 593 was called to order by Unit 593 President Koni Dearman at 7:05 pm August 6, 2009 in the Lower Hall. Opening rituals were performed. All officers were present. We had a quorum. The minutes from the June 2009 meeting were read, corrected, and placed on filed. The financial report was placed on file.
President- Koni is trying to work a deal with the post for chips when working in the kitchen. Her goal is to be able to get 10 chips for $10 per day.
1st Vice: Diana presented 4 new member applications to the Unit.
· Rena Wood
· Bobbi Lietz
· Gail Scarpa
· Charlene Day
and a transfer, Jani Philips
Motion by Diana, 2nd by Marilyn to accept all five for membership. Motion Carried
Secretary- Party plans are well underway. Cake was ordered today. Decorations were painted on Saturday. Marilyn will make 5 more centerpieces. Stefanie’s brother will be DJing and providing the linens. He is charging $200 for DJ Services. The Legion wants to donate, so Koni is going to talk to them about making a donation to pay for the DJ. Koni is shopping for all the food. Doug and Jim will be preparing food and the SAL will be serving it. Koni wants to do a 50/50 raffle. We also want to get corsages for some of the Special Members we have- Betty, Rosalee, and Dessie.
New/Unfinished Business:
We are running out of the membership pins. Liz will order more prior to the next meeting.
We went over the chairmanships and a basic of what each one does. We still have Parliamentarian, Americanism, Constitution and Bylaws, Finance/Audit, Music, Public Relations, Resolutions, and VA &R chairman open.
The Riders are having the West Coast Rally from Sept 11th-13th. Auxiliary will be working a hot dog stand on the 12th at the post. Hot dogs with all the fixings and sides will be $5.
POWMIA day is September 19th. Auxiliary should be there to help and participate.
The Rock Cod Fishing Derby is September 26th. We will be preparing sandwiches and brownies at the post on the 24th.
Auxiliary will also be in the kitchen on August 28th having a fish fry and August 30th making food to order.
Next meeting will be in the Lower Hall on Thursday, September 3th at 7:00 p.m.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m.